
Friday, October 7, 2011

Mother of Six

This place is a zoo. 

I was actually super impressed with myself this morning.  As I nagged and reminded and politely prodded my children through the process of getting dressed (WITH SHOES!) making their beds and getting off to school.  I know I shouldn't let them have the television on, but it is, at times, such a life-saver as well.  Hard for me to find that balance.  Oh well, we did it, eventually. Again.

Cleaning ladies came yesterday and now I have the (nearly impossible) task of keeping the house clean until our General Authority visit tomorrow morning.  I am concerned about: fitting the visit in between soccer games, finding proper attire, being in the right mindset, given the insanity of a typical Saturday morning (okay, let's face it, a typical morning) but I still look forward to the opportunity.  Grateful to my sister-in-law (TRINA) for offering to help me out.  Make that super grateful.  Hope the offer is still good.  :-)

I cannot even express to you all how much I love these kiddos.  I wish I could remember all of the wonderful gems I hear from them every single day...

This morning, Breanna had her shoes on the wrong feet.  I didn't notice until we were in the car ready to go in to school.  As I was changing them for her she asked me -
"Mommy, can you see through things?"
Me - "No."
Breanna - "Then how do Mommy's and Daddy's know when shoes are on the wrong feet?"

It really is those moments that complete me.  I am ABSOLUTELY going to try to get more of them into this blog.  I promise.  :-)

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