
Saturday, December 3, 2011

More dances with a pig.

I in no way was saying you deliberately put the kids in activities so
that I would have less time. Instead of staying and discussing and
seeking clarification you run off and misunderstand the point and
coming to an understanding of what is trying to be communicated. In
our agreement we are to discuss with the other parent activities that
might impact the others time with the children. I am very sensitive to
the time I have with them and might be selfish with that time. So when
I get an email telling me what the kids schedule is and where they
need to be planned by you and not consulting with me if your
commitments that you made for the kids is ok. I would not have a
problem with them having to come home early on Sunday if you would
have respected me and asked me before getting the kids involved with
other plans than what I may have. this month I wont have them as much
due to the vacation schedule I lose a weekend and my time with them is
valuable to me. To you its "not reasonable" for me to have them for an
extended amount of time. I am grateful for the time you do allow. So I
will take it when I can get it.

You misunderstood why Carolyn didn't want you to sit by her and you
say you never did anything to her but you did do things to her. You
feel because you have certain "truths" that you can express them
freely that's fine you will do and say what you want in you public
forum but you don't know her and never did but you presumed to know
her and wrote about her and as a result of your writings as incorrect
as they are and were brought on threats to her by your subscribers.
She was never cross to you and was there for you when you needed help.
So to her face you are wanting to get along and behind her back you
support and antagonize negative attention towards her. Im sure if the
roles were reversed you would not want her to sit by you. In the
assembly situation and in future situations we would and will be able
to sit together with the kids as end-caps us on one side you on the
other and the kids. We don't take every opportunity to tell all the
truth in my life being married to you although it would shine a light
as to why I am where I am I don't tell friends or perfect strangers
for that matter. I have been confronted by people who I don't even
know and you only just met who presume to know who I am because they
met you at a party or through the kids you bore your soul to. I don't
share my past with you and I too have the potential to defame you or
paint you in a negative light by "my truth".

In attempts to "bring peace to your family" you and Bill can talk to
as many church officials as you can but I have been sustained and will
continue to be sustained. I have from day one always been honest with
all my leaders and never ran or tried to hide my sins till I got
caught and now all it looks like is you seeking revenge not peace.

I do not hold a grudge nor do I share any negative experience with
anyone because I respect you as the mother of our children. Carolyn
and I in no way try or intend on replacing you or will ever paint you
in a negative light to them we express our love for them as parents
and will continue to do so.

As always,


I have asked you to sit with me with a professional or church leader of 
your choice so that we can clear up all of these things.  You have 
refused.  I am uncomfortable "communicating" or "discussing" with you 
alone because you always lie about the interaction after the fact.  
Every single time.  If we had a neutral party present then they would be
 able to verify what was actually said by both of us.

You actually DID say that I put the kids into activities just so you do 
not have time with them.  I walked away (pleasantly, not running or 
yelling) when you began to make those accusations and raise your voice 
during the "discussion."  In your email you assume that staying would 
have involved "clarifications" but I know from experience that it would 
have only created additional tension and accelerated the fight. I chose 
to walk away and allow you to focus your energy on spending time with 
our kids.

The email I sent on Monday was explaining the activities they have been 
invited to and the complicated schedule.  It was intended to HELP YOU, 
not to hurt you.  Soccer AND choir are activities you have agreed to 
ahead of time.  I did not schedule the birthday parties OR the Christmas
 choir rehearsal.  I allowed them to participate in the choir on my 
weekends and gave you the opportunity to allow them to participate or 
not.  I didn't expect you to allow them to go, but when Hattie said you 
TOLD HER she could make the choice between it and you, she and I 
together came up with what we thought would be a solution.  Asking the 
children to "choose you" is blatant manipulation.  Let them go or 
don't.  Just please stop telling them it is their choice between you and
 their activities.

My email was intended to sincerely communicate to you the reasons why I 
find this particular activity important for the kids.  I am sorry I did 
not ask you first.  Each interaction I have with you "communicating" 
becomes increasingly irrational and filled with lies.  I do not know how
 to have a discussion with someone like that.  

You asked to have them for a week, during school time.  I said I didn't 
think it was reasonable.  Let me explain why I do not find it to be 

1.  Every time the children come home from visits with you, the two 
babies both have diaper rashes.  Every time.  The visit over 
Thanksgiving was less than two days and Janey came home with such a 
terrible "boo boo butt" that it took a full week to clear it up.  Then 
the visit the following Wednesday you had them for three hours and you 
didn't change either of the babies diapers, even one time.  I have 
mentioned to you the issue of diaper rash before and you accused me of 
being "petty," but I believe that between the two of you, you should be 
able to prevent these things.  I change their diapers all on my own.  I 
do not have help, and I have never had their bottoms look so raw.  

2.  The children do not have reasonable bedtimes when they are with 
you.  They stay up all night watching movies or playing video games.  
Those things are fine for weekends when they do not have school, but on 
school nights I am concerned about their well being.  They are often 
tired on days even when they get to bed on time.  Taking the chance that
 they wouldn't get enough sleep, especially going into the holiday, is a
 big risk with which I am not comfortable.  Lack of sleep after your 
weekends makes them more grumpy, more likely to fight with each other, 
and more likely to get sick.  These are all things I have experienced.

3.  Every time the children come home they are filled with strange lies 
you have told them.  You believe you are just "telling the truth" but in
 reality you are confusing them with things that are inappropriate to 
share with children, even a ten-year-old.  Examples would be that 
Carolyn wishes she were there mother, that God brought you and Carolyn 
together (while you are still married????  What God does that?????), and
 details about your plans to wed (and go to the temple in a year? That 
sounds familiar!) one another.  The kids do not need to be involved in 
those conversations.  It is not appropriate.

As for Carolyn.  All I know of her is what I have experienced from her, 
and from you. She did help me out that one time.  Let's not forget that 
she was living with my husband at the time.  I do not see her actions as
 a woman devoted to Heavenly Father in any way.  She moved herself and 
her daughter across the country to be with a man who was married to 
someone else, and whose wife was pregnant with their SIXTH child.   If 
you respect the sanctity of marriage, especially a temple marriage, stay
 in Indiana until the marriage is over.  Instead, she chose to come out 
and get directly in between us.  You say it was already over.  That's 
fine.  It doesn't make those choices right in any way.  And she has NOT 
been nice to me in person.  She has been bitchy to me on many, many 
occasions.  She makes snippy, snotty and snide remarks to me whenever 
she has the opportunity, even in as brief interaction as dropping off 
and picking up.

You are not the man I thought I married.  You have not treated me with 
one iota of respect during the entire separation.  You have reminded me 
of all of my mistakes, faults, flaws, and the ways I have hurt you, but 
not once have you recognized the many many ways I have been hurt.  I 
have apologized to you, recognized my wrongs, and begged for 
forgiveness.  You say you have forgiven me, but still treat me like I am
 trash.  I admit I have made mistakes.  According to you, you have not 
made any mistakes.  You "are sustained."  That is such a joke.  All I 
have communicated to others is the facts.  You began your relationship 
with her the very day after we separated.  You lied about it from day 
one.  To me, to the kids, to Fritter, to your parents.  You have not 
been honest from day one with anyone.  You know that, but you feel like 
you can continue to lie now and make it all okay.  It's not okay.

It sounds as though you are saying I tried to hide my sins until I got 
caught.  Another lie.  I NEVER GOT CAUGHT.  I came to you, in tears, 
sincerely confessing, and asking to give eternity a chance.  You were 
shocked and devastated, and you had every right to be.  I will have to 
live with the consequences of how I hurt you forever.  However, your 
decision to rewrite the story after the fact does not change the truth. 
 It just makes you a liar.

I have told you over and over that I would love to hear your truth.  You
 refuse.  I can only believe that is because you know that your truth is
 filled with lies.  Our marriage was not perfect or happy for either of 
us, but it could have been repaired.  Instead, you decided to scrap 
everything and start over.  That is your right.  I just wish I wasn't 
alone in my desire to do the best thing for our children.

If you truly respect me, then please start treating me with respect.  I 
do not respect you as a man or a father.  I used to, but your actions 
and choices since our separation have created our new relationship.    
You continue to prove yourself lacking, making every decision in your 
life to benefit you (and your new family) and not them.
I respect you as the only father my children will have.  
I will respect you beyond that when you become worthy of respect.

Thank you,


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