
Thursday, November 13, 2008


I think Jason is finished taking naps. Now, I always say this and then find him taking another nap on another day, but today I think he is done. Again. He was really only taking them on Tuesdays and Thursdays anyway. (MWF he has preschool.) This is a very sad day for me, because it means NO FREE TIME on the days he is home from school. And soon that will be every day since the kids go off track after next week. Well sort of. Jason goes back after Thanksgiving and Hattie does not. Hattie is off from November 21 through January 5. Holy cow that is a long time. At least there is no homework so there will be no fighting! Well, no fighting with me anyway. I'd better start making plans for those days otherwise my children will begin to rebel. I never know how I'm going to make it through off-track. And then I do... Such is life. Same is true for Jason's new "lack of nap" time. Ick. I will survive.

Overall, things have been going well. I've been cleaning every single day (WHAT!!??!!) and the house has actually stayed clean (believe it or not!) Now my only dilemna is that feeling of "Is this IT?" As in, "Is this what my life has come to??" It's all dishes, and sweeping, and vacuuming, and laundry, and diapers and children and... You get the idea. So I ask... Is this it? Is this who I am? The constant struggle of a stay at home mom.