
Wednesday, May 20, 2009


You would think my husband has had enough of that place!!

There is a race to Catalina once a month for the next few months. Seriously? I thought last weekend was bad. I'm guessing Rick will at least skip the September one. We WILL have a newborn after all. Oh my goodness. Since when did the tables turn on me. Used to be I was the one who was going out all the time and leaving my hubby home with the kids. Why does he get a life all of the sudden? Something is wrong with this picture...

Friday, May 15, 2009


Aha! I've returned, and it's only been a week. Yaay me!

It's been a busy week. Rick's "first week home" did not go as smoothly as one might have hoped. Finding his way straight home has been a challenge for him. First there was a trip to the mechanic to figure out what's wrong with my brother's truck. (Finally we got it fixed and can get the dang thing smogged so he can register it already!) Wednesday was a race on the sailboat, and Thursday was extra work after work. Fun times. Today he went in at 4am, so although he'll be home within a couple of hours (Hooray!) he's gonna be sooo tired that it isn't even reasonable to expect him to be good company. And then he leaves tomorrow morning for a sailboat race to Catalina Island. Very exciting for him, but what a pain in the butt for me since he'll be gone all weekend. Don't think I'm going to forget this "sacrifice" any time soon!

Alright, I guess that's enough whining for now. Big news is we got our computer back! Just have to get Quicken re-downloaded so I can figure out how much money we really have in the bank. Back to the real world. It will be a relief to be able to budget again.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Monday... again.

I am constantly thinking about things I could be including in this blog. While I am driving the carpool, or folding the clothes... I am formulating clever and eloquent discourses about my trials and tribulations. However, once I sit down to actually write, I am at a loss. So frustrating.

#1 good news is that it looks like Rick is home now at least for a few weeks. He is having to drive out to UCLA, but at least they are starting at 6am and not at 4am. Probably not great for driving home, but at least he's not leaving at 230 in the morning. We'll see how the commute goes. Today is his first day. I'll be happy to have him home by 5, much better than Thursday... :-)

Hattie just finished her Ancestor Report this weekend. It included a report from an interview with an "ancestor" (my mom) and a family tree which we took back to her Great-Grandparents. It turned out pretty cute, and it definitely helped her to understand the whole family history concept. The amusing part to me is that she decided not to include "step-parents", only the actual parents of everyone. It was also overwhelming to see how much divorce and remarriage permeates our family. ALL of Hattie's Grandparents and Great-Grandparents have been divorced except ONE set!! Anyway, she decided it was just too complicated to report on everyone's re-marriages and stuff. For some reason I liked that. How refreshing.

My pregnancy is still going well. I'm getting huge, but that is to be expected. Now that Rick's home maybe I'll take some pictures of the belly to post of FB. Entertaining for all, I'm sure. We had our ultrasound on April 29 (can't remember if I've posted since then) and it is officially a girl. Even though I figured already. So that's our final count 3 girls, and 2 boys.

I can hardly believe Jason is starting kindergarten this year. He's doing great in preschool and understands all of the basic "school" concepts. He'll be reading in no time. I think if we pushed him a bit more, he'd be reading already. He also has figured out finger adding and subtracting (up to ten, duh) which impressed the heck out of me.

Derek is lucky he's so cute because he is a stubborn little bugger. He has this sweet sweet face, but boy when he isn't getting what he wants it is UGLY. The terrible three's have begun, and I'm grateful he's been such a saint up until now. He's taken Jason habit of sneakiness to a new level.

As my mother pointed out this weekend, Breanna is a little DIVA. She is the Miss Priss so far. She likes to be cute, wear dresses and church/princess shoes. She DOESN'T like being dirty or wet (although it doesn't really stop her from spilling on herself, just causes more of a ruckus once she realizes she's soiled...) Also she likes to get her way and screams like a banshee when she doesn't. Therefore, I hear a lot of screaming these days.

Well, it's 12:00 and if I keep writing I will miss any relaxing solo quiet time because the children will awaken from their naps. Before I know it the carpool, etc. will be upon me.

Happy Mother's Day (yesterday) to all you "mothers" and wanna-be mothers out there!

Friday, May 1, 2009

May, my favorite month!

Holy cow, has it really been almost 4 months since I have last posted anything to this blog? I suck. It has been a busy 4 months though! Rick was out of work for a few weeks (ick) before he found a job on Catalina Island. He would travel there each week, leaving Monday and returning on Thursday. Single, pregnant mother of four. Didn't really leave time or energy for trying to blog. This was officially his last week in Avalon, so he is back (*fingers crossed*) for good. It will be an adjustment of it's own, but it is definitely good news. Mom and Dad do not do so well when we are apart. We thought we had communication difficulties BEFORE we were limited to the phone! Ugh!

Today is Friday and I am finally taking Jason in to get his shots and physical for kindergarten. Thrilling. Derek is getting his 3 year checkup too. Only 3 months late... Whatever. They are relatively healthy children. I can't complain. Today. Plus Rick and I have a date tonight and I am totally looking forward to it.

The pregnancy has been going surprisingly well, considering the circumstances. I have only gained 10 pounds so far (20 weeks) and have given myself a limit of 15-20 more. Still improvement for me since I gained at least 40 with each of the first 4 pregnancies. We found out yesterday that it is another girl. I have had a gut feeling all along that this was a girl, so it came as no big surprise to me. A little overwhelming (3GIRLS??) but I know it will be wonderful. I am excited to be DONE having children. haha. :-) Just starting to feel some consistent movement (not quite kicks yet) and the ultrasound on Wednesday was all clear. I go back on the 28th for a fetal echocardiogram. Since Derek and Breanna both have bicuspid aortic valves, we figured we'd check early with this baby. Plus I take those 2 in for their Echos next Friday. Whoo hoo. But I don't really anticipate anything surprising. Just routine.

Well, I just looked at the clock and realized that I should probably finish up here and jump in the shower. I have lots of nothing to say, so I will try harder to get back on track with the blogging soon.

Welcome to May - Mother's Day, my birthday, and now Breanna's birthday too! She'll be 2. I can hardly believe it!