Rick is still unemployed. Almost 2 months exactly. We've signed up for WIC, and recently applied for food stamps. It's getting ridiculous. He's looking for work every day, but not having any luck.
On the brighter side, we now have an oven. My bff Laura found me a new, working oven for FREE that someone donated. So nice. So now we can bake again. Plus my grandma (Meme) gave me $50 for Christmas to replace my toaster oven. So nice. I am pretty happy!
More bad luck - The dryer broke this week. We were hoping it would be a pretty quick fix (replace the ignitor) but that didn't work. Now we're troubleshooting. No money to call someone in. It's starting to become an issue since laundry for a family of 7 piles up quickly. Thinking of investing in a clothesline. Especially today. The weather is so beautiful.
Also, I crashed my van on Dec 9th, and the insurance company decided to total it. After much stress, we found out that we will be getting some money back for it, so we can at least purchase a new vehicle. Good news is, we also purchased a new vehicle.

It is a 2003 Ford 350 Econoline 15 passenger. It only seats 10 since it has all captain seats. Like an airplane. So so so cool! :-) Just a little nervous about actually driving around that huge thing. Still adjusting. I'm sure I'll figure it out. Just takes time. And we were able to keep our rental until the day after we bought the new van. Worked out perfectly.
Christmas was great, thanks to a very generous church family. The kids didn't even know the difference, and the magic of Santa is preserved for another year. Hattie actually said - "This had to be Santa, because there's no way we could have afforded all this stuff..." Hilarious. And sad too. :-)
Still researching Rick's employment options and what direction we think he should be taking next. We are currently considering re-eduction as a lineman (high voltage electrician) and joining the coast guard as viable options. Life is stressful (to say the least). Not sure if/how long we will be able to stay in this house. Now that I've been saying that for 18 months, I'm not sure how convincing it sounds, but we've stopped paying the "modified" amount we're supposed to be paying. No income... Of course the bank still hasn't even assigned anyone to our account for the modification, so we're hoping to drift under the radar for a bit. That's the plan. It seems to be working so far.
It's New Year's Eve. Here's hoping we have a prosperous new year! I say "Welcome" to 2010!