I met with my lawyer yesterday. It was much harder than I imagined it would be. Just like getting served with divorce papers. I thought I'd be able to handle it - I mean, I was expecting it at some point, really - but it hit me hard. So meeting with the lawyer to sign my papers for my "Response" was emotional. I cried. In the office. And the whole way home. I so do NOT want to be doing this. At all.
I take comfort in knowing that my heart is true in my intentions to save my family. I love my husband. I have hurt him immensely (and am currently being hurt by him immensely), but I do love him. I would do anything to take away what I've done. Anything to fix what I've broken. Anything to prove myself, earn the love and trust I so sincerely desire. It's a powerless state. And he is just angry. He is making decisions from his anger. He's unwilling to even consider reconciling for one second. It is devastating and frustrating. But I am 100% positive that I am following the path Heavenly Father has presented to me. I am following the Spirit. I have no doubt. And I know, without question, that Rick and I CAN put our marriage, our family, back together. If he so chose. He can love me again. We can be happy together. I believe it is what our children deserve. He just has to want it too. Right now, he doesn't.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
A timeline. And a testimony. In case you are interested.
I haven't posted since February. With good reason.
During mid-April I began having an affair. A person from my past; It lasted about 5-6 weeks, mostly on the internet, with 2 meetings in person. Yes, there was "indiscretion". I am not proud of myself. I am deeply ashamed. But I am not going to pretend to be the innocent victim in this, given the current state of my family and relationship.
(As a side note, Rick started working again April 29.)
June 5 I found out I was pregnant. Yes, I am 99% certain it is Rick's baby since (after finding out about the pregnancy) his vasectomy was confirmed NOT CLEAR. He is officially completely fertile again/still. I am technically due Feb 9, 2011. However, given my birthing history, I will most likely deliver this baby by the end of January. That gives me about 6 weeks or so.
On Tuesday, June 8, after a (long) meeting with my bishop I decided to confess the affair to Rick and try to save/fix/commit to my marriage. Rick was initially on board with this plan.
June 13, I was disfellowshiped.
June 18, due to the emotional turmoil (constant roller coaster of fights, blame, desperation) in our household, I asked for a separation for us each to get ourselves together. My goal was (at that time) for us to come back once we had each gotten things straight in our minds and hearts. Rick began spending 3-4 nights per week in Brea at a family friend's house and in Glendale doing side work.
June 26, After Rick outed me/us on facebook we both agreed that maybe we weren't going to be able to save our marriage. We started talking divorce. For real.
July 11, The official move out of the house. Convenient timing on the short sale coinciding with our separation. I moved into my parents. Rick continued to stay (mostly) in Brea.
Over the next 2.5 months, we lived our own lives. Rick had the kids every weekend during the summer and on Wednesday nights. When school started we switched visits to every other weekend. We were both still certain that we wanted the divorce, but I could see how hard it was on the kids and began to ask him if there wasn't something else we could do? Could we just try? Had we really exhausted all options? Rick resisted even these (admittedly feeble) attempts, until Sept 21 - he sensed more sincerity in me, and maybe listened for a brief moment. It didn't last, and his resistance returned with vigor.
September 25, I had what I like to call a "change of heart" or perhaps a spiritual awakening. I woke up that day and it was the first time I felt truly, thoroughly, repentant. I felt the sorrow, anguish and hurt that I had caused my family. My heart broke for what I had done (not just with the affair, but with many of the choices I made throughout our marriage - being "distracted" was common practice and had been a problem for many, many years) to our family and to my husband. I felt that God had touched my heart and was insisting that I fight for my family. So much time had passed... but I was given hope and inspiration from the spirit.
My Facebook account was the center/heart of my affair and also the cause of much hurt to Rick. After I ended the affair, I entered a deep depression and used Facebook to emote. Many noticed my melancholy and showed concern for me, and I/we would explain my depression by blaming the pregnancy. However, this was torturous to Rick since he knew I was lamenting the loss of a "love" who wasn't him, and it was so unfair that he was put in the position to protect my "secret" after I had already hurt and betrayed him. I believe this was a large factor in his decision to use Facebook to hurt me back (on June 25th). Therefore, I canceled my FB account on Sept 25th, but then lamely reactivated it to solicit prayer requests for our family. I felt that the prayers that I had been requesting from my FB friends had entirely facilitated my change of heart. After much deliberation, I canceled FB for good on Sept 30.
Since that day (Sept 25) I have done, said, been everything that I could possibly do say or be to try to show Rick that I have changed, that I love him, that I would do anything to make our family work. He has not once been willing to accept any of my attempts. He ignores most all statements (mostly via text) I make regarding a hope or a belief in our family. He has grasped onto a vision (version?) of me that is evil, manipulative, and dishonest - with no regard for the woman he once loved, or for the realities of my good and bad qualities. No regard for my acknowledgement of my own imperfections and my desire to change and improve myself.
December 6th I found out Rick had filed for divorce almost 3 weeks earlier, on November 16th. I was served with our divorce papers that same evening. Being served starts the 6 month waiting period to finalize the dissolution of our marriage. The soonest we will be divorced is June 6, 2011. I still pray we never make it that far. Now begins the process, hearings, support, visitation agreements, etc. Blah, blah, blah.
I do not want to get a divorce from my husband. I want to do whatever it takes to fix my marriage and make/keep our family whole. I have changed. I have improved. I continue to progress - with therapy, with God. All I want now is a chance to put our family back together. A chance for us to begin working together to find love and happiness with each other. I KNOW that it is possible. With God, ALL THINGS are possible. I am the first to admit that I screwed up a lot in our marriage. But I refuse to believe that it was all bad, or that we cannot recover from this. We CAN. I disagree with the decisions that Rick is making for his life (and the lives of our children) right now, but I accept that I don't have any control over him. All I do now (and can do) is take care of my amazing children, read, study, hope, have faith, and pray. Mostly, I pray (well, when I'm not taking care of children!)... I hope that anyone reading this will join me in that effort. Put us in your prayers and/or your fasts. I pray my husband will have a change of heart and choose to start fighting for our eternal family again. I am sure that today he would tell you that he IS fighting for his family, but his eternal family is with ME - not alone, not with anyone else - there is only ONE WAY to fight for it, and that is to fight for our marriage.
During mid-April I began having an affair. A person from my past; It lasted about 5-6 weeks, mostly on the internet, with 2 meetings in person. Yes, there was "indiscretion". I am not proud of myself. I am deeply ashamed. But I am not going to pretend to be the innocent victim in this, given the current state of my family and relationship.
(As a side note, Rick started working again April 29.)
June 5 I found out I was pregnant. Yes, I am 99% certain it is Rick's baby since (after finding out about the pregnancy) his vasectomy was confirmed NOT CLEAR. He is officially completely fertile again/still. I am technically due Feb 9, 2011. However, given my birthing history, I will most likely deliver this baby by the end of January. That gives me about 6 weeks or so.
On Tuesday, June 8, after a (long) meeting with my bishop I decided to confess the affair to Rick and try to save/fix/commit to my marriage. Rick was initially on board with this plan.
June 13, I was disfellowshiped.
June 18, due to the emotional turmoil (constant roller coaster of fights, blame, desperation) in our household, I asked for a separation for us each to get ourselves together. My goal was (at that time) for us to come back once we had each gotten things straight in our minds and hearts. Rick began spending 3-4 nights per week in Brea at a family friend's house and in Glendale doing side work.
June 26, After Rick outed me/us on facebook we both agreed that maybe we weren't going to be able to save our marriage. We started talking divorce. For real.
July 11, The official move out of the house. Convenient timing on the short sale coinciding with our separation. I moved into my parents. Rick continued to stay (mostly) in Brea.
Over the next 2.5 months, we lived our own lives. Rick had the kids every weekend during the summer and on Wednesday nights. When school started we switched visits to every other weekend. We were both still certain that we wanted the divorce, but I could see how hard it was on the kids and began to ask him if there wasn't something else we could do? Could we just try? Had we really exhausted all options? Rick resisted even these (admittedly feeble) attempts, until Sept 21 - he sensed more sincerity in me, and maybe listened for a brief moment. It didn't last, and his resistance returned with vigor.
September 25, I had what I like to call a "change of heart" or perhaps a spiritual awakening. I woke up that day and it was the first time I felt truly, thoroughly, repentant. I felt the sorrow, anguish and hurt that I had caused my family. My heart broke for what I had done (not just with the affair, but with many of the choices I made throughout our marriage - being "distracted" was common practice and had been a problem for many, many years) to our family and to my husband. I felt that God had touched my heart and was insisting that I fight for my family. So much time had passed... but I was given hope and inspiration from the spirit.
My Facebook account was the center/heart of my affair and also the cause of much hurt to Rick. After I ended the affair, I entered a deep depression and used Facebook to emote. Many noticed my melancholy and showed concern for me, and I/we would explain my depression by blaming the pregnancy. However, this was torturous to Rick since he knew I was lamenting the loss of a "love" who wasn't him, and it was so unfair that he was put in the position to protect my "secret" after I had already hurt and betrayed him. I believe this was a large factor in his decision to use Facebook to hurt me back (on June 25th). Therefore, I canceled my FB account on Sept 25th, but then lamely reactivated it to solicit prayer requests for our family. I felt that the prayers that I had been requesting from my FB friends had entirely facilitated my change of heart. After much deliberation, I canceled FB for good on Sept 30.
Since that day (Sept 25) I have done, said, been everything that I could possibly do say or be to try to show Rick that I have changed, that I love him, that I would do anything to make our family work. He has not once been willing to accept any of my attempts. He ignores most all statements (mostly via text) I make regarding a hope or a belief in our family. He has grasped onto a vision (version?) of me that is evil, manipulative, and dishonest - with no regard for the woman he once loved, or for the realities of my good and bad qualities. No regard for my acknowledgement of my own imperfections and my desire to change and improve myself.
December 6th I found out Rick had filed for divorce almost 3 weeks earlier, on November 16th. I was served with our divorce papers that same evening. Being served starts the 6 month waiting period to finalize the dissolution of our marriage. The soonest we will be divorced is June 6, 2011. I still pray we never make it that far. Now begins the process, hearings, support, visitation agreements, etc. Blah, blah, blah.
I do not want to get a divorce from my husband. I want to do whatever it takes to fix my marriage and make/keep our family whole. I have changed. I have improved. I continue to progress - with therapy, with God. All I want now is a chance to put our family back together. A chance for us to begin working together to find love and happiness with each other. I KNOW that it is possible. With God, ALL THINGS are possible. I am the first to admit that I screwed up a lot in our marriage. But I refuse to believe that it was all bad, or that we cannot recover from this. We CAN. I disagree with the decisions that Rick is making for his life (and the lives of our children) right now, but I accept that I don't have any control over him. All I do now (and can do) is take care of my amazing children, read, study, hope, have faith, and pray. Mostly, I pray (well, when I'm not taking care of children!)... I hope that anyone reading this will join me in that effort. Put us in your prayers and/or your fasts. I pray my husband will have a change of heart and choose to start fighting for our eternal family again. I am sure that today he would tell you that he IS fighting for his family, but his eternal family is with ME - not alone, not with anyone else - there is only ONE WAY to fight for it, and that is to fight for our marriage.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
It's been a month.
I know I had hoped to update before an entire month disappeared, but such is life. Considering how bad I've done in the past, a month is not too too bad!
For some reason it seems like this year is the busiest ever. All of the sudden, 2010 hit and we are swamped with activities and appointments. Rick still doesn't have a job, but somehow we are super busy all of the time. I looked at my calendar today and realized that tomorrow is the ONLY day in the month of February that we do not have something planned. Seriously? One day in the entire month without at appointment? I'm honestly not sure if the 5th kid or the unemployment or what is the deciding factor, but here we are.
School is going well. Last learning period (over the Holidays) we did so much slacking and then having to catch up. Not sure why, but this learning period things are going really smoothly. Seems like we're way ahead, and school days are NOT filled with stress and cramming. Lots of lighter type days. Just what we needed really! Going to start test prep pretty soon since Hattie will need to do the STAR tests this year. Will be much different not being in public school. They are so good at teaching to the tests, and I am not as confident of my abilities to guide her in test-taking skills. We shall see. Our first practice test is next Friday (the 12th). Think happy thoughts for us.
Looking over the latest post, I will briefly update. Yes, we got our car stereo and such installed that week. It is all wonderful and I still really love the new van. I've been driving the Nissan a lot lately because of errand running and Young Women's activities (my calling at church is YW Secretary now) I've been doing without children. It is nice. Not the car, just the opportunity to get away alone. Jason's arm is healing well and we have an appointment scheduled to get the cast off on February 11th. Since he broke it on January 9th, that is just about one month in a cast. Not too shabby. We are very proud of him. He never ever complains and has kept the cast (the original one, he never got it replaced with the black one!) very clean, considering.
If you've been keeping track, you will notice next week is already looking busy. Testing on Friday, cast off on Thursday... Derek has preschool Tuesday and Thursday, our Education Facilitator for homeschooling is coming Thursday, and Wednesday is DEREK'S 4th birthday. Am I going to say "They grow so fast!" at every birthday my children have for the rest of their lives? It is such a joy to watch this one grow, though. He was truly a happy and enthusiastic baby and toddler. Now that he is becoming a little boy, I look forward with such anticipation to see what he will become. My children are such blessings in my life.
Oh hey! Forgot to mention that we were able to find a dryer (generously donated by one of our babysitters' family! They had it sitting in their garage and just gave it to us. It also happened to be the SAME exact model of dryer we already had. Creepy. But such a blessing. So we've been able to dry our clothes the past month. Thank goodness!
Also, last week I was able to use our timeshare to take a brief (3-4 days) getaway to relax and recoup. Oh my, it was so nice to sleep, relax, hang out (and catch up) with some of my friends, and just enjoy the peace and quiet. I came home refreshed and happy, ready to start again!
While I was gone, Rick purchased the "INSANITY" cardio workout (off of craigslist for cheaper, whoo hoo) and we've started the 60 day program. Monday (the 1st) was our first day, and today I just completed the day 4 workout. I am totally loving it. I like the DVD (different workouts each day, today was a "cardio recovery" workout) and the people are NOT annoying. No super enthusiastic, smiley, chipper people. Just a hard-core trainer type. Perfect! I've been sore the past 3 days, and it feels good! Amazing how quickly it all comes back. Also, I didn't realize how HAPPY it would make me to start working out again. It's been about a year (since I got pregnant with Jane) and my body is craving it now. Everything in me is ready to be thin again. Hooray! I've already lost a couple of pounds, I'm sure. I'll do an official weigh-in weekly (like the biggest loser, which we've been watching, haha.)
Wow. This blog is super long. Guess that's what happens when the baby girls are napping and the older 3 are playing video games quietly downstairs. Makes me a little nervous about what ELSE they may be getting into, but oh well. It is worth it. Breanna just woke up and is ready for lunch so I am going to finish off here. Glad I could post so much today. Still hoping to get more on top of more regular updates. :-)
For some reason it seems like this year is the busiest ever. All of the sudden, 2010 hit and we are swamped with activities and appointments. Rick still doesn't have a job, but somehow we are super busy all of the time. I looked at my calendar today and realized that tomorrow is the ONLY day in the month of February that we do not have something planned. Seriously? One day in the entire month without at appointment? I'm honestly not sure if the 5th kid or the unemployment or what is the deciding factor, but here we are.
School is going well. Last learning period (over the Holidays) we did so much slacking and then having to catch up. Not sure why, but this learning period things are going really smoothly. Seems like we're way ahead, and school days are NOT filled with stress and cramming. Lots of lighter type days. Just what we needed really! Going to start test prep pretty soon since Hattie will need to do the STAR tests this year. Will be much different not being in public school. They are so good at teaching to the tests, and I am not as confident of my abilities to guide her in test-taking skills. We shall see. Our first practice test is next Friday (the 12th). Think happy thoughts for us.
Looking over the latest post, I will briefly update. Yes, we got our car stereo and such installed that week. It is all wonderful and I still really love the new van. I've been driving the Nissan a lot lately because of errand running and Young Women's activities (my calling at church is YW Secretary now) I've been doing without children. It is nice. Not the car, just the opportunity to get away alone. Jason's arm is healing well and we have an appointment scheduled to get the cast off on February 11th. Since he broke it on January 9th, that is just about one month in a cast. Not too shabby. We are very proud of him. He never ever complains and has kept the cast (the original one, he never got it replaced with the black one!) very clean, considering.
If you've been keeping track, you will notice next week is already looking busy. Testing on Friday, cast off on Thursday... Derek has preschool Tuesday and Thursday, our Education Facilitator for homeschooling is coming Thursday, and Wednesday is DEREK'S 4th birthday. Am I going to say "They grow so fast!" at every birthday my children have for the rest of their lives? It is such a joy to watch this one grow, though. He was truly a happy and enthusiastic baby and toddler. Now that he is becoming a little boy, I look forward with such anticipation to see what he will become. My children are such blessings in my life.
Oh hey! Forgot to mention that we were able to find a dryer (generously donated by one of our babysitters' family! They had it sitting in their garage and just gave it to us. It also happened to be the SAME exact model of dryer we already had. Creepy. But such a blessing. So we've been able to dry our clothes the past month. Thank goodness!
Also, last week I was able to use our timeshare to take a brief (3-4 days) getaway to relax and recoup. Oh my, it was so nice to sleep, relax, hang out (and catch up) with some of my friends, and just enjoy the peace and quiet. I came home refreshed and happy, ready to start again!
While I was gone, Rick purchased the "INSANITY" cardio workout (off of craigslist for cheaper, whoo hoo) and we've started the 60 day program. Monday (the 1st) was our first day, and today I just completed the day 4 workout. I am totally loving it. I like the DVD (different workouts each day, today was a "cardio recovery" workout) and the people are NOT annoying. No super enthusiastic, smiley, chipper people. Just a hard-core trainer type. Perfect! I've been sore the past 3 days, and it feels good! Amazing how quickly it all comes back. Also, I didn't realize how HAPPY it would make me to start working out again. It's been about a year (since I got pregnant with Jane) and my body is craving it now. Everything in me is ready to be thin again. Hooray! I've already lost a couple of pounds, I'm sure. I'll do an official weigh-in weekly (like the biggest loser, which we've been watching, haha.)
Wow. This blog is super long. Guess that's what happens when the baby girls are napping and the older 3 are playing video games quietly downstairs. Makes me a little nervous about what ELSE they may be getting into, but oh well. It is worth it. Breanna just woke up and is ready for lunch so I am going to finish off here. Glad I could post so much today. Still hoping to get more on top of more regular updates. :-)
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Just another brick in the wall.
So the Thomson household had a very eventful weekend. I was sick on Friday and decided to stay in bed all day and rest. I read the entire Twilight book and started New Moon. I was feeling better Saturday, but not 100%. However, I decided we would spend the day running errands as a family. We drove all over and accomplished a lot. We had dinner together, fed the ducks, and the kids had a blast playing at the park by the duck pond. In this pic, the older two are "trying" to be grumpy. Strange talent they have. Hattie looks shockingly like her mother in this picture... Hmmmm....

When we got home, it was about 415, and the neighbors were out riding bikes. The kids decided to stay out and play... I went into the house for about 10 minutes to rest a bit, leaving everyone else outside. As I was walking out to check on them all, I hear lots of screaming and crying (Okay, mostly Hattie) and "Jason broke his arm!". Here's the pic I took on the xray table:

Oh my goodness. I look down at Jason's arm, and it is hanging limp from about the middle of the forearm. Our neighbors volunteer to watch our two blondies, and Rick, Hattie, Jane and I accompany Jason to the ER. Apparently, Saturday was the busiest day of the year for ERs. Other hospitals were casting patients away and sending them down to Menifee. Oh my gosh. And my 5 year old sits with a broken arm!! The evening dragged on as Jason was called back to see and nurse, and then told to wait in the lobby again... called back for an x-ray, then told to wait again... called into a room to wait (and wait and wait) for a doctor (the one doctor assigned to the ER!!!) to see us. No pain medication whatsoever. And I asked everyone we met from about the 1.5 hour point to get him something. Nope. No one can call my Jason a wimp again! Finally the doctor sees us. Yes, it's broken (duh!) and yes, it needs to be fixed tonight (again, duh!!). But Menifee Medical Center does not do pediatrics and they'll have to transfer him. (What??? Couldn't you have told me that when I brought my 5yo in with a broken arm???) 20 more minutes pass. Doctor returns. Turns out that the orthopedist happens to be in the hospital as we speak, and he will fix Jason up tonight! Yay! Heavenly Father has been looking out for us. The (real) Doctor comes, talks to us, sets it all up. What a great guy... Sooo, finally, four hours after arriving at the ER (it was about 8:45pm) my sweet baby boy is wheeled away to get casted up. Whew. They had to put him under. Both bones in him forearm were broken clean through. (Wish I had pics of the xrays to show! So amazing looking!) And now Jason has a white cast.

He'll get a black one at his follow-up appointment on Friday. So much for resting up and Mommy getting better.
An uneventful Sunday led to a busy Monday with Rick on a trek to get a job. One job we've been working toward wanted him to interview (in San Pedro) so we decided to split up. He drove off to Long Beach, and I stayed in town running errands. We met up in the evening for dinner with my parents in La Habra. Sooo tired we all were!
Today we've been trying to catch up (with school - the kids managed to skip Friday and Monday) (with the house - always always cleaning!!) with everything around here. Field trip tomorrow http://www.rileysfarm.com/ for school. Super fun - we are really looking forward to it. Also, we've ordered our stereo/etc. for the van and are hoping to get that all installed on Thursday. Exciting and eventful week! Enjoy the pictures of my son's rubber arm. Hopefully I'll continue to keep this blog updated!

When we got home, it was about 415, and the neighbors were out riding bikes. The kids decided to stay out and play... I went into the house for about 10 minutes to rest a bit, leaving everyone else outside. As I was walking out to check on them all, I hear lots of screaming and crying (Okay, mostly Hattie) and "Jason broke his arm!". Here's the pic I took on the xray table:

Oh my goodness. I look down at Jason's arm, and it is hanging limp from about the middle of the forearm. Our neighbors volunteer to watch our two blondies, and Rick, Hattie, Jane and I accompany Jason to the ER. Apparently, Saturday was the busiest day of the year for ERs. Other hospitals were casting patients away and sending them down to Menifee. Oh my gosh. And my 5 year old sits with a broken arm!! The evening dragged on as Jason was called back to see and nurse, and then told to wait in the lobby again... called back for an x-ray, then told to wait again... called into a room to wait (and wait and wait) for a doctor (the one doctor assigned to the ER!!!) to see us. No pain medication whatsoever. And I asked everyone we met from about the 1.5 hour point to get him something. Nope. No one can call my Jason a wimp again! Finally the doctor sees us. Yes, it's broken (duh!) and yes, it needs to be fixed tonight (again, duh!!). But Menifee Medical Center does not do pediatrics and they'll have to transfer him. (What??? Couldn't you have told me that when I brought my 5yo in with a broken arm???) 20 more minutes pass. Doctor returns. Turns out that the orthopedist happens to be in the hospital as we speak, and he will fix Jason up tonight! Yay! Heavenly Father has been looking out for us. The (real) Doctor comes, talks to us, sets it all up. What a great guy... Sooo, finally, four hours after arriving at the ER (it was about 8:45pm) my sweet baby boy is wheeled away to get casted up. Whew. They had to put him under. Both bones in him forearm were broken clean through. (Wish I had pics of the xrays to show! So amazing looking!) And now Jason has a white cast.

He'll get a black one at his follow-up appointment on Friday. So much for resting up and Mommy getting better.
An uneventful Sunday led to a busy Monday with Rick on a trek to get a job. One job we've been working toward wanted him to interview (in San Pedro) so we decided to split up. He drove off to Long Beach, and I stayed in town running errands. We met up in the evening for dinner with my parents in La Habra. Sooo tired we all were!
Today we've been trying to catch up (with school - the kids managed to skip Friday and Monday) (with the house - always always cleaning!!) with everything around here. Field trip tomorrow http://www.rileysfarm.com/ for school. Super fun - we are really looking forward to it. Also, we've ordered our stereo/etc. for the van and are hoping to get that all installed on Thursday. Exciting and eventful week! Enjoy the pictures of my son's rubber arm. Hopefully I'll continue to keep this blog updated!
Monday, January 4, 2010
So much to say!
And not enough time...
New year's day we went sailing with Grandma Cyn and Papa Bill. You would think all of these kids do not fit on one sailboat, but we did it and managed to take 2 additional adults along as well (Cindy and her son Chris). It was a great day. Well, I was grumpy, but other than that, everyone else had a great time.

After sailing we went back and did some laundry since our dryer was still out of commission. (There are still two baskets of laundry there to this day - we'll have to pick them up on our next trip, Thanks Grandma!)
January 2nd was a busy day of running errands. Our friends (the family of one of our babysitters) had an extra dryer they weren't using and were nice enough to give it to us! We also went to the swap meet in Riverside and looked for seat covers for the new van. Didn't find them, but mom got sunglasses and a purse. Hattie got 2 pairs of shoes! And each of the children got to spend $1 on a little toy. It was fun. We went back in the evening for the Drive-In movie. It was our family's first experience at the drive-in and I think we survived it well. The kids watched The Princess and the Frog while mom, dad and Janey slept in the back. Then we switched for The Blind Side. The boys eventually fell asleep in the back, while Dad and the girls all stayed up for the movie.
Sunday was full with church and hanging around the house. And here we are on Monday. We were smart enough to make a list of things to do (last night) and have made it most of the way through! Feeling productive. It's our first day back at school after the Christmas break. So we are easing into action...
I hope this post made a little sense as I was trying to post a lot in a short amount of time. OH yes! We also got new next-door neighbors. They have an 8 year old girl, a young boy (maybe 4 or 5??) and a baby boy, 7 months. I think we can usually match most families child for child... We look forward to getting to know them more.
New year's day we went sailing with Grandma Cyn and Papa Bill. You would think all of these kids do not fit on one sailboat, but we did it and managed to take 2 additional adults along as well (Cindy and her son Chris). It was a great day. Well, I was grumpy, but other than that, everyone else had a great time.

After sailing we went back and did some laundry since our dryer was still out of commission. (There are still two baskets of laundry there to this day - we'll have to pick them up on our next trip, Thanks Grandma!)
January 2nd was a busy day of running errands. Our friends (the family of one of our babysitters) had an extra dryer they weren't using and were nice enough to give it to us! We also went to the swap meet in Riverside and looked for seat covers for the new van. Didn't find them, but mom got sunglasses and a purse. Hattie got 2 pairs of shoes! And each of the children got to spend $1 on a little toy. It was fun. We went back in the evening for the Drive-In movie. It was our family's first experience at the drive-in and I think we survived it well. The kids watched The Princess and the Frog while mom, dad and Janey slept in the back. Then we switched for The Blind Side. The boys eventually fell asleep in the back, while Dad and the girls all stayed up for the movie.
Sunday was full with church and hanging around the house. And here we are on Monday. We were smart enough to make a list of things to do (last night) and have made it most of the way through! Feeling productive. It's our first day back at school after the Christmas break. So we are easing into action...
I hope this post made a little sense as I was trying to post a lot in a short amount of time. OH yes! We also got new next-door neighbors. They have an 8 year old girl, a young boy (maybe 4 or 5??) and a baby boy, 7 months. I think we can usually match most families child for child... We look forward to getting to know them more.
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