
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Merry Christmas

I cannot believe how close we are getting to Christmas. We just went to get a tree last night. We totally copped out this year, going to a tree lot with a bunch of cut trees already in stands. I wanted to do the flocking, but we couldn't rationalize the expense (plus we would have had to wait until the rain stopped in order for them to do it!!) So we have a tree sitting downstairs. No decorations. And it's spot in front of the window is not even cleared out yet. We do what we can.

I'm trying harder to appreciate the little things about the children and staying home with them. Hattie is such a big help, and we are really enjoying our farms on Facebook. I actually let her have an account so that she can have a "farm" and a "sea garden" of her own. It's fun to watch. Jason is so full of energy and always getting into something. Not sure if I can truly appreciate that yet, but I'm trying. He always wants to play video games or at least "kid games" on the computer. I'm hoping it will encourage him to learn to read quicker. Derek is finally (mostly) potty trained. (Hooray!) He even stays dry most nights. I've been very impressed. He talks a lot and I get a kick out of his mis-pronunciations. He usually says "p" for "f" and "l" for "r". So his froggie pillow becomes a ploggie pillow. I think it's hilarious. Finally, Breanna is such a joy. She's an extremely contented and happy baby. Although she is as headstrong as her siblings. If she wants something, she will let you know with her most authoritative voice. Who would have thought that an 18 month old could be sooo authoritative!!??

I will be writing and sending Christmas letters as soon as I find the stationary I bought last month. Hopefully I'll get them out by January! We shall see!


Shannon Nielsen said...

It was so much fun to see you and Rick and the kids at my parents. I try to visit with everyone, which ends up meaning I don't really get to talk enough to anyone. That combined with the fact that I was still on baby duty even though it was supposed to be Paul's assignment. Good intentions count, right?! It was a looongg car ride home! ;-D Cute slideshow of the kids!

Dustin said...

Where's the follow-up, did the reapir guy even get called for the entry some time ago? the cliff-hanging aspect of this whole scenario is frustrating...