
Friday, June 24, 2011

Life is a journey, happiness is a state of mind.

It is so important that we are always learning and growing. I am amazed that I have truly learned to like myself, even love myself, through this crazy roller coaster of an adventure. God is gracious and generous. He gives us what we need, even when we don't know it, if only we keep our hearts open to His Spirit.

It's been an interesting 9 days. I missed the kids dearly the first few days, but eventually I settled into a groove. Not that I necessarily missed them less, but at least I started to use my time productively (even if just for relaxation and "fun" stuff!) I still do not PREFER this visitation schedule, but I do look forward to the "off" week to see what I might be able to accomplish next.

Life is good. I am truly happy. Hopefully I will be divorced soon and this part of my life will soon be behind me.

Immense gratitude for the love and support from family and friends. Thank you for reminding me of my good qualities, even when all I can see is the bad.


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