
Friday, October 23, 2009


Warning! Look away if you're sensitive to things that are overly personal or mildly disgusting...
1. Hemorrhoids are really painful. Like really, really painful. I'm just saying.
2. Rick's "surgery" did not work (yet?). Seriously!??! So now we have to do it 30 times in the next 6 weeks. That's 5 times a week, people. Holy cow. And there's always the CHANCE I could get preggo again. NOOOOO! So I'm making this information public so everyone knows it's still my husband's. Haha... For the record.

Going into a super busy weekend. Babysitter is coming at 3 today so Rick and I can go to his cousin's wedding. I love weddings. And we're leaving 4 kids. Hooray!

Happy Friday!

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