
Thursday, September 1, 2011


I posted the entire interaction because I want to make very clear how imperfect I am. I know that I am angry. I recognize that I poke and prod at every opportunity. I hope that urge will lessen as more time passes. Once we are divorced. Partly, I'm just tired of still caring... Caring about him, his rejection, his choices, his future, what he's doing... So I have to remind myself that he doesn't care about me. Mission accomplished. And, fortunately, I couldn't be more disgusted (or satisfied) with the person he has proven himself to be.

I am sorry if those emails are hard to read. They are hard for me to read, and to share, but they are true. They are the whole story, unabridged.

1 comment:

...still figuring it out... said...

I haven't read your blog in a while. You're right, those messages are difficult to read. Those conversations are all too familiar...seems like word for word! Be assured, it goes away!!!