I cannot believe how close we are getting to Christmas. We just went to get a tree last night. We totally copped out this year, going to a tree lot with a bunch of cut trees already in stands. I wanted to do the flocking, but we couldn't rationalize the expense (plus we would have had to wait until the rain stopped in order for them to do it!!) So we have a tree sitting downstairs. No decorations. And it's spot in front of the window is not even cleared out yet. We do what we can.
I'm trying harder to appreciate the little things about the children and staying home with them. Hattie is such a big help, and we are really enjoying our farms on Facebook. I actually let her have an account so that she can have a "farm" and a "sea garden" of her own. It's fun to watch. Jason is so full of energy and always getting into something. Not sure if I can truly appreciate that yet, but I'm trying. He always wants to play video games or at least "kid games" on the computer. I'm hoping it will encourage him to learn to read quicker. Derek is finally (mostly) potty trained. (Hooray!) He even stays dry most nights. I've been very impressed. He talks a lot and I get a kick out of his mis-pronunciations. He usually says "p" for "f" and "l" for "r". So his froggie pillow becomes a ploggie pillow. I think it's hilarious. Finally, Breanna is such a joy. She's an extremely contented and happy baby. Although she is as headstrong as her siblings. If she wants something, she will let you know with her most authoritative voice. Who would have thought that an 18 month old could be sooo authoritative!!??
I will be writing and sending Christmas letters as soon as I find the stationary I bought last month. Hopefully I'll get them out by January! We shall see!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Holy Cow. I just spent well over an hour trying to get that stinking slideshow up and running. I THOUGHT I was computer savvy. Apparently I am not. Whew!
I wish I was more consistent with my blogging. Maybe if I were as consistent at blogging as I am at checking my Facebook. That would be something...
Soo many things happen that I could be documenting. And now I sit here and cannot think of a single thing. Well, I guess that's not true. Here's what's new:
We are officially off track. Okay, I'm lying again. Jason has school today and Friday. Then we are official. Except it feels official already since I'm already over it. January 5th cannot come too fast. Partly it's tough just because the normal routine is all messed up.
Our oven does not work (no, I still haven't called the repair guy) and the water heater is broken. That means no baking. And we have to keep restarting the water heater to get the water to heat up. It's a pain. But I guess if it didn't work at all we might have gotten it replaced already. It's just been so busy.
Rick got into a (very small) car accident last week. It was enough to render his vehicle un-drivable and it was NOT his fault. We're still dealing with the aftermath, though, of getting the car fixed and hassling with insurance. Suck.
We're looking forward to Christmas. Even though we're already spending too much money, and there will be no baking :o( and it looks like we may be getting Rick a new car. Well, not NEW new. Just new. :-) Anyone have a VERY CHEAP pickup truck??
The babies are both sick. Mostly Breanna and she is miserable. She cried for like 5 hours straight this morning. Now she is not quite asleep for her nap yet. I should probably stop typing so that she can sleep in peace.
If anyone reading this wants to get together in the next couple of weeks, then let me know. We're free until January 5.
Soo many things happen that I could be documenting. And now I sit here and cannot think of a single thing. Well, I guess that's not true. Here's what's new:
We are officially off track. Okay, I'm lying again. Jason has school today and Friday. Then we are official. Except it feels official already since I'm already over it. January 5th cannot come too fast. Partly it's tough just because the normal routine is all messed up.
Our oven does not work (no, I still haven't called the repair guy) and the water heater is broken. That means no baking. And we have to keep restarting the water heater to get the water to heat up. It's a pain. But I guess if it didn't work at all we might have gotten it replaced already. It's just been so busy.
Rick got into a (very small) car accident last week. It was enough to render his vehicle un-drivable and it was NOT his fault. We're still dealing with the aftermath, though, of getting the car fixed and hassling with insurance. Suck.
We're looking forward to Christmas. Even though we're already spending too much money, and there will be no baking :o( and it looks like we may be getting Rick a new car. Well, not NEW new. Just new. :-) Anyone have a VERY CHEAP pickup truck??
The babies are both sick. Mostly Breanna and she is miserable. She cried for like 5 hours straight this morning. Now she is not quite asleep for her nap yet. I should probably stop typing so that she can sleep in peace.
If anyone reading this wants to get together in the next couple of weeks, then let me know. We're free until January 5.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I think Jason is finished taking naps. Now, I always say this and then find him taking another nap on another day, but today I think he is done. Again. He was really only taking them on Tuesdays and Thursdays anyway. (MWF he has preschool.) This is a very sad day for me, because it means NO FREE TIME on the days he is home from school. And soon that will be every day since the kids go off track after next week. Well sort of. Jason goes back after Thanksgiving and Hattie does not. Hattie is off from November 21 through January 5. Holy cow that is a long time. At least there is no homework so there will be no fighting! Well, no fighting with me anyway. I'd better start making plans for those days otherwise my children will begin to rebel. I never know how I'm going to make it through off-track. And then I do... Such is life. Same is true for Jason's new "lack of nap" time. Ick. I will survive.
Overall, things have been going well. I've been cleaning every single day (WHAT!!??!!) and the house has actually stayed clean (believe it or not!) Now my only dilemna is that feeling of "Is this IT?" As in, "Is this what my life has come to??" It's all dishes, and sweeping, and vacuuming, and laundry, and diapers and children and... You get the idea. So I ask... Is this it? Is this who I am? The constant struggle of a stay at home mom.
Overall, things have been going well. I've been cleaning every single day (WHAT!!??!!) and the house has actually stayed clean (believe it or not!) Now my only dilemna is that feeling of "Is this IT?" As in, "Is this what my life has come to??" It's all dishes, and sweeping, and vacuuming, and laundry, and diapers and children and... You get the idea. So I ask... Is this it? Is this who I am? The constant struggle of a stay at home mom.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Before we know it.
Before we know it, Halloween will be here. It's already October 15. This weekend is the church Halloween Trunk-or-Treat Party and Chili Cook-off! Fun times. Except I still need to get costumes for possibly two of my children.
Before we know it, Thanksgiving will be here. Are we making tamales this year?
Before we know it, Christmas will be here. Some good friends may be coming to town for Christmas this year and going to Disneyland instead of presents. I love this idea and may be implementing it in our family. Especially if they do come to visit. Less likely if they do not. Otherwise I think we are gift exchanging in all families. I like this idea too.
Before we know it, it will be next year. Seriously?? How did that happen. I swear this year has been the fastest ever. Maybe it was Reno. Or Texas. By the way Rick is probably going to start working 12 hour days in San Diego. Lots of overtime, but looks like they'll be putting him up in a hotel because of all of the travel time. Single motherhood must like me.
Before we know it, the children will wake from their naps and disturb my brief moments of peace. Such is life. I hope I have a bit longer. I do want a shower today.
Before we know it, Thanksgiving will be here. Are we making tamales this year?
Before we know it, Christmas will be here. Some good friends may be coming to town for Christmas this year and going to Disneyland instead of presents. I love this idea and may be implementing it in our family. Especially if they do come to visit. Less likely if they do not. Otherwise I think we are gift exchanging in all families. I like this idea too.
Before we know it, it will be next year. Seriously?? How did that happen. I swear this year has been the fastest ever. Maybe it was Reno. Or Texas. By the way Rick is probably going to start working 12 hour days in San Diego. Lots of overtime, but looks like they'll be putting him up in a hotel because of all of the travel time. Single motherhood must like me.
Before we know it, the children will wake from their naps and disturb my brief moments of peace. Such is life. I hope I have a bit longer. I do want a shower today.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Here's some pictures of the kids. From September 13, 2008:

Yes, we have entered a new month! I am feeling like I should add something to the blog (since I've been requested to be more diligent at it) but I am not sure I have anything to add. No news is good news?? Ha ha... For those of you who know secrets, you know how amusing that statement really is. Just hanging out playing the waiting game.
Rick's been rocking the side work lately. Nice for the slight boost of income but not so fun to have him gone in the eves. Days in San Diego and then eves on side work makes us all miss having Daddy around!
I'm still trying to stay committed to my gym attendance (doing pretty well I think) and my eating habits (comes and goes!!) to keep my weight down. It's working so far even though I've stopped LOSING. Guess we'll always have another 10 lbs to go!

Yes, we have entered a new month! I am feeling like I should add something to the blog (since I've been requested to be more diligent at it) but I am not sure I have anything to add. No news is good news?? Ha ha... For those of you who know secrets, you know how amusing that statement really is. Just hanging out playing the waiting game.
Rick's been rocking the side work lately. Nice for the slight boost of income but not so fun to have him gone in the eves. Days in San Diego and then eves on side work makes us all miss having Daddy around!
I'm still trying to stay committed to my gym attendance (doing pretty well I think) and my eating habits (comes and goes!!) to keep my weight down. It's working so far even though I've stopped LOSING. Guess we'll always have another 10 lbs to go!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Garage Sale!
I came home from dropping off Hattie at school today and my neighbor was having a Yard Sale. Cars were driving up and down the street like crazy, so I decided to drop everything and put some stuff out to try to sell. Not an easy task with 3 little kiddos running around. I called one of my friends (actually I called several but I had to keep calling until I found one available) to come help with the children while I tried to find things to put out and also sell what I could.
Turns out, I did pretty well overall. Made over $80 in less than 5 hours with NO PREPARATION whatsoever. Whoo hoo! Yay me! Now I felt kind of dumb when my neighbor told me he made $400 yesterday, but oh well. I'll still be able to pay for Bunco tonight and probably even our date tomorrow (yes, my dad is taking all 4 of the children overnight tomorrow)!
Time to shower up (hot and sweaty from garage saling! Blech - It was like 95 degrees out there!) before I get moving on the carpool!
Turns out, I did pretty well overall. Made over $80 in less than 5 hours with NO PREPARATION whatsoever. Whoo hoo! Yay me! Now I felt kind of dumb when my neighbor told me he made $400 yesterday, but oh well. I'll still be able to pay for Bunco tonight and probably even our date tomorrow (yes, my dad is taking all 4 of the children overnight tomorrow)!
Time to shower up (hot and sweaty from garage saling! Blech - It was like 95 degrees out there!) before I get moving on the carpool!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Catching Up
Ah yes, it has been FOR-EV-ER since I've written. Sorry to leave you all out in the dust. I'm not really sure if there is much to catch up on so I'll just start where we are...
Today we drove to OC to visit grandma (and sell her things). Yes, Hattie's school has started their annual fundraiser! (Email me if you'd like to buy something, I'll send you a link!) So we bombarded grandma's office and forced everyone to buy cookie dough (and even some Mary Kay!). Who can resist cookie dough (certainly not grandma's office, ha ha!!), and then we made grandma take us to lunch. We are very sneaky like that. It was a very nice and exhausting day for us.
When we got home, Jason wanted to take a bath (??? don't ask, I have no idea - I think it may be because he was wearing that Spiderman costume all day and it tends to be SWEATY!) SO all the kids got into mom's bathtub. Actually the boys got in while Hattie was homeworking (Hooray for the new system of doing homework in her room at her desk!) and then Breanna decided she'd dive in head first before mom could remove her clothing. Fun times. When Hattie finished her work, she joined the rest of them in the tub until mom couldn't stand the splashing and screaming any longer. So they didn't get cleaned per say, they mearly got rinsed. Still better than nothing.
Tonight Daddy will be home late because he has a side job (hooray!) putting in a ceiling fan. Bummer for us, but nice because we can always use the money. Just gotta figure out what to make for dinner... Any suggestions? Top Ramen anyone?? Just kidding. Rick hates Top Ramen (even though the kids LOVE it.) Usually we save it for babysitter nights...
I hate driving into OC because the children miss their naps. Naptime is sacred in this house. You might notice I USUALLY get my blogging done around that time. Not lately. However, although it isn't currently naptime, it IS TV time which is almost just as good. Almost. At least all of the children are being quiet. :-)
Today we drove to OC to visit grandma (and sell her things). Yes, Hattie's school has started their annual fundraiser! (Email me if you'd like to buy something, I'll send you a link!) So we bombarded grandma's office and forced everyone to buy cookie dough (and even some Mary Kay!). Who can resist cookie dough (certainly not grandma's office, ha ha!!), and then we made grandma take us to lunch. We are very sneaky like that. It was a very nice and exhausting day for us.
When we got home, Jason wanted to take a bath (??? don't ask, I have no idea - I think it may be because he was wearing that Spiderman costume all day and it tends to be SWEATY!) SO all the kids got into mom's bathtub. Actually the boys got in while Hattie was homeworking (Hooray for the new system of doing homework in her room at her desk!) and then Breanna decided she'd dive in head first before mom could remove her clothing. Fun times. When Hattie finished her work, she joined the rest of them in the tub until mom couldn't stand the splashing and screaming any longer. So they didn't get cleaned per say, they mearly got rinsed. Still better than nothing.
Tonight Daddy will be home late because he has a side job (hooray!) putting in a ceiling fan. Bummer for us, but nice because we can always use the money. Just gotta figure out what to make for dinner... Any suggestions? Top Ramen anyone?? Just kidding. Rick hates Top Ramen (even though the kids LOVE it.) Usually we save it for babysitter nights...
I hate driving into OC because the children miss their naps. Naptime is sacred in this house. You might notice I USUALLY get my blogging done around that time. Not lately. However, although it isn't currently naptime, it IS TV time which is almost just as good. Almost. At least all of the children are being quiet. :-)
Friday, August 22, 2008
Hattie's 7th Birthday
Hattie turned 7 on Wednesday and we took the whole family to Knott's Berry Farm. She LOVES roller coasters. She LOVES thrill rides! So it was a very fun adventure. We decided in the beginning that Daddy and Mommy would switch off taking Hattie on the rides/babysitting the little ones. So first, I took her on Ghostrider. I immediately realized (once I got on the ride) that was a terrible idea. Seriously! I am NOT a big fan of roller coasters. This one was so big and so fast. Of course Hattie LOVED IT. She got off the Ghostrider passionately saying "Oh my Gosh, I loved it, that was the best ever. I loved it I loved it I loved it!" I was grimacing the whole way. Ick. Next it was Rick's turn and they went on Bigfoot Rapids. The line took an hour! (Did I mention we practically walked onto Ghostrider?) After they got off I KNEW that we had started in the wrong order! Next they went on Perilous Plunge (I was NOT going to handle going STRAIGHT DOWN full speed into a big pool!)
Screaming children call me away. Guess I'm not going to finish this today.
I forgot to post this so I'll post it now...
Screaming children call me away. Guess I'm not going to finish this today.
I forgot to post this so I'll post it now...
Monday, August 18, 2008
Beach Party
We arrived at the Beach Party on Saturday at 4:30pm. I'm pretty sure it was supposed to start at noon, but I'm pretty sure we were right on time. The weather was perfect because the sun was far in the sky but not quite going down yet. The kids immediately started to dig in the sand (very dirty, fine, sticky sand). Breanna was so hesitant. I love watching babies try something new. (This is a new love of mine, usually I hate watching babies get dirty because that means I have to clean them up! But for some reason it was very cute this day...) They dug and played until they couldn't stand it anymore, and then they BEGGED Daddy to take them into the water. Well, Hattie did. She loves the water and the waves. So Daddy took all three of the older kids into the water. It was very brave and strong of him, but just about gave Mommy a heart attack to watch. He could only really hold two kids at a time, so Hattie was on her own - for the most part.
I sat back and followed Breanna around until she realized that there was an ocean nearby. She made a B-line to the water and I caught her up before she got her dress wet. Yes, the wrestling match getting her into a swim diaper and swimsuit was legendary, but worth every second. I let her run down to the water again and she went straight into the waves. She kept crawling and walking further and further with no fear. She even got knocked over by some waves (they were at my ankles, mind you) and she was not affected one bit. Fearless! About this time, Daddy (and Hattie, Jason and Derek) made their way back to us. I traded Breanna for Hattie (a totally unfair trade, since now he was stuck with the three babies, and I got the one big kid) and we all went out to get wet. After another baby swap, I ended up with Derek and Rick had the other three. The waves were quite big and we were not playing it safe one bit! I was amazed at how well all 6 of us were doing! Wave after wave came and this went on for about 10 or 15 minutes. Each one had me terrified that one of the children would get pulled under, or trampled, or scared by a wave. I'm pretty sure Rick did NOT have a hand on Hattie. Finally I couldn't take it anymore and decided it was time to head in to the beach. We let a few more waves hit us and then were able find our way back. Hattie and Jason both made very strong attempts at body surfing. Even Jason, believe it or not, did a great job going under the water and finding his way back up.
It was all smiles as we headed to our towels (too bad we only brought three!!) Derek was shivering soooooo badly! Daddy grabbed Breanna and headed for the van. I let the children devour chips and capri-suns until he arrived for us to get loaded up! Then it was drying and changing and drying and wiping off sand, and finding pacifiers and capri-suns and seat belts. I looked at the clock as we drove away and it was 6:30pm. Seriously, two hours. It was the PERFECT beach trip!
I sat back and followed Breanna around until she realized that there was an ocean nearby. She made a B-line to the water and I caught her up before she got her dress wet. Yes, the wrestling match getting her into a swim diaper and swimsuit was legendary, but worth every second. I let her run down to the water again and she went straight into the waves. She kept crawling and walking further and further with no fear. She even got knocked over by some waves (they were at my ankles, mind you) and she was not affected one bit. Fearless! About this time, Daddy (and Hattie, Jason and Derek) made their way back to us. I traded Breanna for Hattie (a totally unfair trade, since now he was stuck with the three babies, and I got the one big kid) and we all went out to get wet. After another baby swap, I ended up with Derek and Rick had the other three. The waves were quite big and we were not playing it safe one bit! I was amazed at how well all 6 of us were doing! Wave after wave came and this went on for about 10 or 15 minutes. Each one had me terrified that one of the children would get pulled under, or trampled, or scared by a wave. I'm pretty sure Rick did NOT have a hand on Hattie. Finally I couldn't take it anymore and decided it was time to head in to the beach. We let a few more waves hit us and then were able find our way back. Hattie and Jason both made very strong attempts at body surfing. Even Jason, believe it or not, did a great job going under the water and finding his way back up.
It was all smiles as we headed to our towels (too bad we only brought three!!) Derek was shivering soooooo badly! Daddy grabbed Breanna and headed for the van. I let the children devour chips and capri-suns until he arrived for us to get loaded up! Then it was drying and changing and drying and wiping off sand, and finding pacifiers and capri-suns and seat belts. I looked at the clock as we drove away and it was 6:30pm. Seriously, two hours. It was the PERFECT beach trip!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
We took the kids bowling last night. It was so much fun! We spent way too much money because we ate dinner there (diet blown!!) but it was really great.
The kids had never bowled before, and Jason seems to be a natural. Well, he enjoyed it the most, anyway. Hattie is highly competitive and couldn't stop complaining that she was losing. Daddy helped her figure out how to get a little more control of the ball, and that calmed her a bit. Plus Jason was very supportive. It was two thumbs up for everyone! Derek would not bowl because he didn't like the sound of the pins dropping. He walked around most of the time with his hands covering his ears. It was so cute. And whenever we would ask him if he wanted a turn he would say "No!" with his hands over his ears. Hilarious! Breanna just wandered around getting in everyone's way and practicing walking in her shoes. This is her new skill - well, she's working on it anyway!
It is so amazing watching Breanna and Derek both learning to talk. These are such fun years of development. Breanna is a screecher and a babbler. She will talk and talk and talk about nothing and screech all of the time - mostly in the car. Derek is much more deliberate with his speaking. He always has something to say. We can't always understand him - especially with that stupid pacifier in his mouth - but he is always saying something. "Come with me, Mommy. Let me hold your hand."
We're going to Oceanside today for the Ward Beach Party. We're already running late, but I'm sure we'll get there eventually. And our kids LOVE the beach. What a fun weekend!
The kids had never bowled before, and Jason seems to be a natural. Well, he enjoyed it the most, anyway. Hattie is highly competitive and couldn't stop complaining that she was losing. Daddy helped her figure out how to get a little more control of the ball, and that calmed her a bit. Plus Jason was very supportive. It was two thumbs up for everyone! Derek would not bowl because he didn't like the sound of the pins dropping. He walked around most of the time with his hands covering his ears. It was so cute. And whenever we would ask him if he wanted a turn he would say "No!" with his hands over his ears. Hilarious! Breanna just wandered around getting in everyone's way and practicing walking in her shoes. This is her new skill - well, she's working on it anyway!
It is so amazing watching Breanna and Derek both learning to talk. These are such fun years of development. Breanna is a screecher and a babbler. She will talk and talk and talk about nothing and screech all of the time - mostly in the car. Derek is much more deliberate with his speaking. He always has something to say. We can't always understand him - especially with that stupid pacifier in his mouth - but he is always saying something. "Come with me, Mommy. Let me hold your hand."
We're going to Oceanside today for the Ward Beach Party. We're already running late, but I'm sure we'll get there eventually. And our kids LOVE the beach. What a fun weekend!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Off Track/Weight Loss
I am totally loving off track. Sleeping in is in no way over-rated. Seriously, it is nice to relax in the morning! Even today, I had to be at the gym by 8:30, but it was NOTHING like having to get the kids to school by 7:40! Not to mention the pick-ups! MWF I am picking up and dropping off like crazy with preschool! Holy cow!
I had my last session (evaluation) with my trainer today (sniff!)...
The official count, after 6 months, is as follows:
I have lost 26 pounds and (overall) 23.75 inches (10.5 are from my waist and hips!)
I have gone from 34% body fat (at 173 lbs) to 26.7% body fat (at 147 lbs)!
Whoo hoo! Yay for me!
Now I am working on another 10 lbs and a flat stomach (then my life will be perfect - ha ha!)
I had my last session (evaluation) with my trainer today (sniff!)...
The official count, after 6 months, is as follows:
I have lost 26 pounds and (overall) 23.75 inches (10.5 are from my waist and hips!)
I have gone from 34% body fat (at 173 lbs) to 26.7% body fat (at 147 lbs)!
Whoo hoo! Yay for me!
Now I am working on another 10 lbs and a flat stomach (then my life will be perfect - ha ha!)
Saturday, August 2, 2008
The Other Half of Today
Rick went sailing today with my stepdad, a couple of his friends from work, and an old friend of my dad's. They sailed to Catalina Island (Emerald Bay) for some snorkeling fun, and then sailed back. I know Rick had been looking forward to this trip for a while. Just the guys. A nice LOOOOOONG sail. (Too bad for them that there was a lot of motoring!) But, it seems like "the guys" had a great time and were very appreciative of the opportunity... I'm glad it all worked out!
I love a reunion. Seriously, something about seeing people I used to know, catching up, hanging out - it is so much fun to me! Take today for instance... I took my kids (and my mom) to a "Flag Team" reunion from high school. That is, a reunion of people who were on the flag team at our high school, all kind of around the same time... Now, I was only on the flag team my 1st two years of high school, but I did make some very close friends (some with whom I am still very close) there and OF COURSE had some great times. But many of these are people I only knew through flags, did not really hang out with then or afterward. Do I really care where these people are now? (No offense anyone!) Maybe not, and I'm sure many of them didn't or don't care what my life became. But I LOVE a reunion. And I will tell you, I had a blast. I brought my kids (totally obnoxious of me since there are so many of them) and they got to swim (and swim and swim and swim and swim). It was kind of surreal. The voices were tripping me out because they were all so familiar, but everyone looked different (but the same too). And I got to catch up with people that I never would have imagined having the opportunity to catch up with... And I got to see people that I have been wanting to see and needing an excuse... And I got to develop new respect for people I used to know - seeing where their lives ended up and what they made of themselves. It was so much fun. And my kids had so much fun! (No really, Jason and Hattie swam for like 4 hours straight.)
Soooo... point is - don't knock a reunion, however small or insignificant it may seem. Choose to have fun and not judge. It can be quite enlightening. Seriously. And even if you're not enlightened, you should at least be entertained. It was so great to see everyone! That sounds cheesy, but it's true.
Soooo... point is - don't knock a reunion, however small or insignificant it may seem. Choose to have fun and not judge. It can be quite enlightening. Seriously. And even if you're not enlightened, you should at least be entertained. It was so great to see everyone! That sounds cheesy, but it's true.
Monday, July 28, 2008
A quick post to say that I wish I had more time for this. It's been a week already and I haven't been able to get on here again! Grrr...
Sometimes I will think about what I could be writing (it is very clever, mind you) but I just don't get the chance to sit and type. Even now I am cutting into my shower time in order to bust out a quick post!
Anyway, this is the last week of school before "off track". For those of you without the experience, off-track is both a blessing and a curse. It means sleeping in as long as you want - no getting Hattie to school by 7:40am! But it also means 4 kids 24/7! Holy cow!
This moring Breanna woke up at 5am. Fortunately, no one else woke up, so I just sat and rocked her back to sleep. As I held her I pondered the miracle of the sleeping baby. When the family drives in the car, I have a game I like to play with the kids. It's called "Mommy's Favorite". It's kind of like the "Mouse Game" or the "Quiet Game", if you are familiar with these... The gist is that "Whoever is sleeping is Mommy's Favorite!" So, they all pretend to be sleeping. It totally cracks me up. They cock their heads to one side, close their eyes and lay there with big grins. A little sick, I know, to have converted the mouse game into a competition for mom's love, but welcome to my children's world. My parents always told me that if your kids don't need therapy, then you've done something wrong. Hah.
Point being, I do love a sleeping child. They are so cute and sweet and vulnerable. And quiet. Can't forget quiet now, can we...?? Especially when they are little babies and they rest their heads on your chest. Breanna is 14 months now and almost out of that baby stage. ALMOST makes you want another one. ALMOST, but not quite.
Right now I have 2 kids at school and 2 babies taking naps. It is my "favorite" time of day. :-)
Sometimes I will think about what I could be writing (it is very clever, mind you) but I just don't get the chance to sit and type. Even now I am cutting into my shower time in order to bust out a quick post!
Anyway, this is the last week of school before "off track". For those of you without the experience, off-track is both a blessing and a curse. It means sleeping in as long as you want - no getting Hattie to school by 7:40am! But it also means 4 kids 24/7! Holy cow!
This moring Breanna woke up at 5am. Fortunately, no one else woke up, so I just sat and rocked her back to sleep. As I held her I pondered the miracle of the sleeping baby. When the family drives in the car, I have a game I like to play with the kids. It's called "Mommy's Favorite". It's kind of like the "Mouse Game" or the "Quiet Game", if you are familiar with these... The gist is that "Whoever is sleeping is Mommy's Favorite!" So, they all pretend to be sleeping. It totally cracks me up. They cock their heads to one side, close their eyes and lay there with big grins. A little sick, I know, to have converted the mouse game into a competition for mom's love, but welcome to my children's world. My parents always told me that if your kids don't need therapy, then you've done something wrong. Hah.
Point being, I do love a sleeping child. They are so cute and sweet and vulnerable. And quiet. Can't forget quiet now, can we...?? Especially when they are little babies and they rest their heads on your chest. Breanna is 14 months now and almost out of that baby stage. ALMOST makes you want another one. ALMOST, but not quite.
Right now I have 2 kids at school and 2 babies taking naps. It is my "favorite" time of day. :-)
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Welcome to my first attempt at blogging. I've decided that it's about time to try this...
Life in general is rather ordinary at the moment. Hattie (almost 7yo now!!) just started 2nd grade (they have year round and she is on B-track, although they will be switching to a modified traditional school year next year...), Jason (4yo) is in his second year of Preschool, and Derek (2yo) and Breanna (1yo) get to spend all of their days with mom. We do hit the gym every morning for a couple of hours (school days only), so they get to play and mom gets in shape...
This week Aunt Sally is staying with us while she attends a soccer camp nearby. We are so excited to have her around (I'm pretty sure she'll be regretting it soon!). The kids are thrilled she is here to play play play with them, and mom is pretty stoked to get a bit of a break (and maybe run some errands ALL BY MYSELF, whoo hoo!!)
Daddy is working hard, preparing to take over as FOREMAN of his current jobsite. We're pretty excited about this "promotion" as he's been waiting for advancement opportunities FOR-EV-ER! He's actually getting a performance review TODAY, so cross your fingers for more $$$ along with the more responsibility... hee hee.
Well, that should just about catch you all up to date.
Until next time... (hopefully soon!)
Life in general is rather ordinary at the moment. Hattie (almost 7yo now!!) just started 2nd grade (they have year round and she is on B-track, although they will be switching to a modified traditional school year next year...), Jason (4yo) is in his second year of Preschool, and Derek (2yo) and Breanna (1yo) get to spend all of their days with mom. We do hit the gym every morning for a couple of hours (school days only), so they get to play and mom gets in shape...
This week Aunt Sally is staying with us while she attends a soccer camp nearby. We are so excited to have her around (I'm pretty sure she'll be regretting it soon!). The kids are thrilled she is here to play play play with them, and mom is pretty stoked to get a bit of a break (and maybe run some errands ALL BY MYSELF, whoo hoo!!)
Daddy is working hard, preparing to take over as FOREMAN of his current jobsite. We're pretty excited about this "promotion" as he's been waiting for advancement opportunities FOR-EV-ER! He's actually getting a performance review TODAY, so cross your fingers for more $$$ along with the more responsibility... hee hee.
Well, that should just about catch you all up to date.
Until next time... (hopefully soon!)
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