
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Greatest Party Ever!

When I was 16, I had a pool party for my birthday. It was awesome~ Seriously, I think that my high school friends still remember it (shout out if you were there!!)

I think the party we just had for Hattie's 10th birthday might have topped it. Oh my gosh. So much fun. And so tiring!

My parents rented a huge inflatable water slide with a pool at the bottom.

Enough said.

Oh, and my Stepdad bar-b-qued tri-tip. Yes, I said tri-tip. For ten-year olds. Plus corn on the cob, salad, flakey biscuits. YUM!

The party lasted from Noon til Six (perfect timing if I do say so myself!) It started with water fun. Then a break for fruit and veggies. More sliding (and slipping) and then food around 2. Back in the water til 3:30 or 4 when we opened presents and ate cake & ice cream. Yes. Finally, swimming sliding and splashing until the last child left.

Got my 5 (not counting Paco) bathed. Almost all in bed now. All in all, an exceptional day. I'm sure it is one that all of the children (at least the older 4) will NOT soon forget. Thanks, Grandma and Papa!

The day started hectic and busy. I almost didn't have time to think about the fact that this was my first "at home" birthday party without a husband/dad to help out. As I was moving the (very heavy) table from the garage to the backyard, I felt like I was missing something. Aww, sad. Funny thing is, that is the only point I missed having the "help." The rest of the party was just as any party would have gone with me watching children, caring for children, feeding children, coordinating activities, etc. I certainly did not miss Rick. It was a GREAT FEELING.

I do believe that if I marry again, it will be someone who enhances me and enhances my life and loves my children. He will be my partner. We will be a team. I'm excited to explore the possibility.

1 comment:

Shannon Marie Nielsen said...

Love hearing that the party was a success for the kids especially Hattie, that you felt uplifted by the family & friends, that you didn't let negativity pull you down, that you're looking to the future! :-)