
Thursday, October 27, 2011

FB Note from Tuesday night.

This is my life.

by Amber Yunker Thomson on Tuesday, October 25, 2011 at 9:40pm
Blogger mobile won't let me blog from my phone, so I am venting here (on Facebook)...

This evening, after spending an hour and a half trying to get Hattie to focus on and finish her homework, I eventually sent her to bed. She took the homework with her after a mini-tantrum screaming fit. I went to her room to express my displeasure with her behavior, and she made a point to tell me that I couldn't force her to apologize. Of course, she was right. She already had tears in her eyes, and, as I disappointedly exited her room she cried,"Dad already bought Carolyn a ring. It's there. He has one too! They're wearing them."

She was hysterical. My heart broke for her. I'm grateful it is no longer breaking for me as I get exciting new challenges to deal with. Exciting new confusion to navigate with/for my children. How can a parent be this selfish? How can he not see how devastated they are?

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