
Friday, January 14, 2011


I have decided to invite everyone to start reading since I am no longer social networking via facebook or myspace. I plan to re-activate my Facebook account if/when the divorce is final. I haven't been above the radar for a few months now - getting myself under control and figuring out what's going on in my life. It's been an emotional roller coaster. The few friends who have stuck through it with me can attest that it has mostly been drama and a lot of lamenting ("Rick, Rick, Rick...") so most of you are probably grateful to have missed it. I am grateful for the support of those few.

Since I am beginning to get my head on straight, I thought it a good time to start letting people back in. I wanted to let everyone (anyone who didn't already) know what has transpired and where I am now. Let the chips fall as they may.

Expect new pics of the kids (from Christmas) up soon.

Please keep praying. It's never too late for a miracle. Although it would take a whopper of one to change Rick's heart, I am still willing to work through all of this mess with him. My kids, my family are my #1 priority.


MW said...

It is with a heavy heart I have finished reading your blog. Amber, I'm so terribly sad. Certainly I am sad for your pain and for Rick's pain as well. But, it is those amazing and beautiful children for whom my heart is broken to pieces. I don't know a marriage that doesn't have baggage, issues, problems, heartaches, etc. But if you have repented and are truly sorry for the pain you have caused, your marriage could survive this and could be better than it had been. I will continue to pray for your family and God's will over EVERYTHING and EVERYONE. Thank you for including me and sharing yourself. I considered our relationship more than just a "working" one. Your children are remarkable and Rick was always such a great dad to them whenever I saw you all together. I'd hate for that to change. I'm praying.

laura said...

I am still here...praying, hoping for the best for.those beautiful.babies i miss so much.
Good luck with the lil guy...