
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Big sister

Had therapy and also took my babies to therapy today.  Hattie and Jason seem to still have a lot of anger they're working through.

Big breakthrough with my sweet Hattie today.  She us hurting because Breanna seems to like Norah better than her.  The therapist and I suggested that perhaps Hattie wanted to make a greater effort to strengthen her relationship with Breanna (talking to, playing with, and teaching her) and then Breanna might respond positively.  We are all combating the baby-talk with Breanna these days...

Immediately after we got home from our meeting Hattie began making an OBVIOUS effort just to be NICER to Breanna. She pushed her little sister on the swings and showed her how to pump her legs.  She comforted when Breanna accidentally got kicked.  I couldn't have been more proud of my girls.  It is such a joy to watch the children get along!

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