
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Some days

I struggle to find something profound to say when I am neither on an emotional high or an emotional low.  Fact is, some days are just days where I am trudging through just like everyone else.  Well, maybe not JUST LIKE everyone else, but you get the idea.

I'm tired today.  Last night was NOT a good night for sleep, as I found myself getting up with Paco (twice), Breanna, AND Jane at different points of the night.  Somehow, I was up the entire hour between 3:30 and 4:30.  Six AM came quickly, and I'm pretty sure none of us wanted to get moving today.  Some days are just like that.

I got the three biggest to school and upon arriving at Breanna's preschool, realized she was without shoes.  She just hadn't put any on.  Back home and she ended up going to school with two right feet.  I am not kidding.  They were both black "church shoes" but totally mismatched.  Some days are just like that.

Back home for a bit and then off to the new house to deliver a check to the plumber.  In the meantime I had to straighten up the house as much as I could since it is cleaning lady day.  Dropped the check, got the invoice, checked out the new pipes (whoohoo) and decided to try a stab at our Thursday playdate with the girls from church.  Every Thursday at 11:30 they meet at McDonald's.  I brought Janey and Parker, knowing that I had only a short while before I had to pick up my middles at noon.  No one from church was there.  Ten minutes later, one girl showed up with her two babies.  Two little girls, each a little older than my two babies.  Nice.  I got to have a quick chat with a sweet girl who is at a completely different stage of life than me.  It was fascinating in a way.  I almost couldn't wrap my mind around it.  Took me back to who I was at 24 - where in my life, where in my marriage.  Kind of twilight zone-y.

Picked up the kids (a little late) and back here for lunch and here's hoping that the cleaning ladies do not show up until well after 4:00pm.  They aren't here yet, so I'm feeling optimistic, but who knows?  Rick is supposed to pick up the kids at 5 for his weekday visit (the boys are starting basketball which interferes with Wednesday nights) and then I need to go visit my Meme in the hospital.  I was hoping I'd get to see Brian for a little bit tonight, but that is not looking likely at this point.  Oh well.  Some days are just like that.

Still wishing that my ex and his wife would parent WITH me COOPERATIVELY, but I am still powerless (imagine that!)  This is just my life.

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