Ever since high school, I have loved the saying "Everyone has choices." I even put it in my Senior quotes in our yearbook (that and "skinny whiteboys forever!" hahaha) Our choices ultimately define who we are. They determine our character. They determine actions, reactions, consequences. And we are completely responsible for each and every choice we make. So, what motivates our choices?
My stepdad told me (a couple of times in the past couple of years) that when you feel as though you have no choice, that is not God you are hearing. When you are following the Spirit, God presents several options to you and lets you choose. When you feel backed into a corner, without hope, without control, without choice, it is not coming from Heavenly Father. What profound advice! How brilliantly the truth can be simplified!
Another piece of sage wisdom that I received from my Bishop recently, involves the focus of our choices. If we are primarily selfish in our motivation, our world will get continually smaller. As it revolves only around ourselves, we limit our lives to our immediate surroundings, limit our friendships to those who are willing to make all of the effort. When our focus is outside of ourselves, our worlds expand exponentially. As we devote ourselves to the service of others, we grow, and our world grows along with us. It is magnificent. It is God's Plan.
So, be mindful, young grasshoppers, where your focus lies each day. Are you primarily concerned with what you get, got, or have? Or are you bettering the lives of those around you? I submit that you will find peace, and love, and happiness only when you strive to create the latter.
Children are calling (screaming!)... time to go!
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