
Friday, January 13, 2012

Letting Go

If I can find peace, love, and forgiveness during this past week, then I can find it any time!

Mom went to Oregon for 9 days.  I've been on my own all week.  Kids came home Sunday night, and at 1am Hattie was puking at my door.  That was day one.  Hattie and Jason stayed home Monday, and I felt a little sick Monday night, but I thought we were in the clear.  Nope.  Tuesday - Jane.  Wednesday - Parker.  Thursday - Derek.  Here it is Friday morning and I hope that the last two are actually spared!  People have called me "high energy" but I'm not sure I actually believed them until recently.  This life sure does take a lot of energy.

But...  I'm HAPPY.  Despite the petty baptism stuff, I am OVER IT.  I am not concerned with Rick or Carolyn, what they do, or what they think.  I wish we could move on and be friends, ACTUAL FRIENDS, for the sake of the children.  I doubt it.  But I honestly wish...

Despite an insane week of sick kids, lots of laundry (more than usual with all the germs everywhere!,) cleaning constantly, no Grandma to help, and very little sleep....  I do not feel angry.  I feel (literally) love and forgiveness toward Rick.  I look forward to moving forward.

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